Strawberry Coconut Marbled Fudge (vegan)

Thursday 27 March 2014

Hello! Made this delicious vegan fudge the other day. Check out the pretty marbling! This is superrrrrr simple to make. No cooking required. This is almost raw and definitely vegan :-) 

When I visited London in November last year, I saw quite a few shops selling fudge and I bought some home :) It lasted better in London though, where the weather was fridge like and the fudge could survive out in the open. After trying that fudge, I've concluded that the texture of this is pretty fudge like! I do hope you guys try this recipe out :) Coconut butter is different from coconut oil by the way, I got mine from 

Use the code LPQ082 for up to $10 off your first order ^^ 

This was my first time working with coconut butter and the consistency is really interesting! When it touches any mildly cold ingredient, even just the 1/2 tbsp if maple syrup I added to the white portion of the fudge, it instantly starts to thicken and solidify!

What you'll need
1/2 cup coconut butter 
1/4 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 tbsp maple syrup (or raw agave nectar)

1/2 cup coconut butter
1/2 cup fresh sliced strawberries
5 drops liquid stevia*
1 tbsp steamed/raw beet for colour (optional) 

*you can leave this out and instead use perhaps 1/2 - 1 tbsp of maple syrup, to taste*

How to
1- Line a 17cm by 10cm rectangular dish with wax paper.
2- Mix coconut layer ingredients together in a bowl.
3- Blend strawberry layer ingredients together until smooth. 
4- Transfer into the dish alternating between the two mixtures as such:

5- Then smooth it down. It should look like a cow haha. 

5- Freeze for about 30min and then slice :) store in the fridge, not freezer!

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