Panda talk: Inspired

Tuesday 27 November 2012

Hi guys I'm in a crazy happy mood now I can't describe it. I've been talking to amazing people on IG all day!

On my breakfast picture this morning a girl who is trying to gain healthy weight too told me she was there for me if I needed help and loves my pictures. Another girl who said her parents judge her eating habits told me she supports me.

Today I had band in school and people were judging my egg, turkey, bell pepper wrap :( When I posted my lunch on IG with the caption "people are judging me", I got comments telling me to ignore the judgeyness and think about the good I'm doing for myself (:

Then one of my seniors who laughed at my exercise and eating habits today just told me she's gotten inspired to eat healthy and do the blogilates call me maybe squats too :P

Also I got lots of encouraging comments today about my posts on IG. And questions! I love answering any questions you guys have! So fire away :)

Was talking to @katsruns (she is honestly so sweet) too about people judging healthy eating and fit lifestyles. How so many don't understand the difference between skinny and fit. I hate when people come to me and go like "I need to lose weight. Help me lose weight." I mean really. Just eat healthy and exercise. Get your body to the best it can be. Don't just want to be skinny.

I hate when people say their on a diet and eat super little but not even healthy! Like this:

Breakfast: 1 sausage
Lunch: 1 cup of (sugary fruity) yogurt

You are NOT going to lose weight like that. You will at first but you'll gain it all back eventually when your body can't take that meager amount of food day after day.

Oh and I ate alot today! No exercise but somehow I was super hungry! So happy maybe my metabolism has increased. I find that whenever I eat a heavy breakfast my appetite for the rest of the day becomes crazy! 1609 calories when I'm normally 1100-1300 :) Plus I got my iHerb order today! Coconut flour, peanut flour and peppermint extract :) Can't wait to use em all.

Ok so that concludes my fantastic day. I feel like I used too many exclamation marks. I now know how to describe what I'm feeling. Inspired. Blog again soon!

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