Coconut crusted stuffed french toast

Thursday 27 December 2012

Here's a random old recipe I never shared! It's coconut crusted French toast stuffed with chocolate peanut flour butter and topped with raspberry compote :) It's really good and I had a foodgasm eating it. Don't know why I never posted it up here lol. Maybe I didn't even have this blog then!! Omg I should post my older recipes up here??

By the way I've been getting comments on Instagram asking if I have an eating disorder. Um no. I watch what I eat but I don't fear food. After I eat bad I don't even feel guilty because I know I don't do it often. I don't count calories or macros. When I say "I don't want to have carbs so late at night" it doesn't mean anything. I don't even count my carbs and I eat them throughout the day without restricting myself but I just like to lay off them at night because I don't need all that energy inside me when I SLEEP. I know I eat enough because I used to count calories and I eat like 1400-1600 a day on an average. That's the amount I need for my height (5 ft), weight and age! I'm so not under eating and its evident in the fact that I'm not getting lighter and I'm actually gaining weight. Ok whatever I'm over it. Recipe time!

French toast:
2 egg whites
1 tbs milk
1/4 tsp vanilla extract
1-2 tbs Unsweetened desiccated coconut
2 slices bread of choice or 1 slice thick toast (I used thick chia seed toast)
1 tbs coconut oil or olive oil

6-10 (up to you really) raspberries

Peanut flour
Cocoa powder
More milk

1) So make the filling by mixing up all the ingredients to get a (slightly more liquidy) chocolate peanut butter. I don't know the exact amounts but I'm gonna say maybe 2 tbs peanut flour + 1/2 tsp cocoa + milk?
2) I used a thick slice of toast, cut it into two and slit each piece in the side to make a pocket. Then I stuffed my filling in. If you are using 2 thinner slices of bread then just sandwich the filling between the slices of bread.
3) Beat your egg whites, milk and vanilla extract. Dip your bread in. If your using the sandwich style with 2 slices of bread then just dump the whole thing in there. DO NOT separate please. Lol.
4) Cover all surfaces of the bread with desiccated coconut (you can use more if you like).
5) Fry in coconut oil or olive oil.
6) Place your berries in a microwaveable bowl and cover. Then microwave for 10-15s and then in 5s intervals if necessary.
7) Top your yummy French toast with the compote and your done!

Let me know if you try it!

P.S I just realised I did have this blog then. Obviously I just forgot to post this recipe or was lazy.

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