Microwave sticky date pudding

Saturday 29 December 2012

Oh my gawwwwwwwd asdfghjkl. Did NOT expect this to turn out well. I feel like a microwaving god of healthy puddings :'D What's with all these amazing recipes lately? This is awesome for post workout (thats what I ate it as) especially if you made a protein sauce to go over it! But I don't use protein powder so this will do~ Please try this and lemme know how it turns out.


3/4 cup dates (110g) (pitted dates 95g)
1/2 cup boiling water
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 tbs olive oil OR coconut oil (I used olive)
1 egg
1 tbs coconut flour

1/2 tsp Honey
1.5 tbs Plain yogurt
1/4 tsp vanilla extract
Dashings of ground cinnamon

1) Place pitted dates in a bowl with boiling water and baking soda for 5 min.
2) Transfer dates (exclusive of water left behind) to blender or food processor and combine with oil, egg and coconut oil.
3) Transfer to a mug, cover and microwave for 1 min. Then microwave again for 1 min.
4) Transfer the pudding on to a plate.
5) Mix up your sauce and pour it over.

P.S This is pretty sweet so don't add sweeteners to the pudding. Also these pictures have no filters.


  1. What should you cover the mug with? :-) and do you keep it covered for both minutes or just the first minute?

  2. @Sadhbh Ward I cover it with a microwave safe plastic lid. Both times :-) You don't need to but I do it to be safe and it keeps the microwave clean :)


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